No matter how dark it gets or how far you fall off the beaten path of life one thing you must always keep carved into your skin and kept burning within your soul is HOPE.
Don't go to sleep with out it, don't wake up with out it, don't live with out it.
The hope that there is more to this life than what you might feel at the moment, hope that something amazing is just waiting for you on the other side of this, hope that it wont always be this way, hope that beauty still remains, love still wins, light overcomes the darkness.
Have FAITH, HOPES best friend. You must have a faith that runs deeper than your deepest well of despair to pull out of when it gets darker than you can almost bare. This is where your strength comes from when you don't feel it, when you just want to sink into the pain and uncertainty and disappear.
Call it what you want but I call it God. He is the light that i keep on in my heart, the voice I search for among the noise, the hope that keeps me afloat. He is my hope. Love in its truest purest form untainted by the world and the people in my life. Love is the force that drives me forward, that keeps me looking up and within.
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